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Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning System

The air conditioning in your BMW works hard all year to keep the driver and passengers comfortable, whether it’s in hot weather or in cold weather. It is an easily overlooked and taken for granted system. Here at BMSport, we can give your air conditioning system the service it needs. With a Bosch Air Conditioning servicing machine and all the necessary liquids to get your air conditioning back to full health and working properly again.

Musty Odour

If you have an unpleasant musty odour when you first start up your car, you’ll require a disinfecting of the evaporator and vents, as the smell is caused by a build up of bacteria in this area. If the blower struggles to push out any air then you might have a blocked micro filter. This filter removes up to 80% of dust and pollen, making the cabin a more pleasant place to be.


If your car is struggling to keep you cool in the summer or struggling to demist the windscreen in the winter then you will need the air-conditioning gas checked. When doing this we’ll check for leaks, put the correct amount of gas for the vehicle in, along with fresh oil for the pump and a dye which will help trace a leak should the unfortunate happen.


Contact us now to book your car for an air conditioning service!

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